Welcome Packet for Parents
Welcome Packet for Parents
School Year 2024-2025
Updates for the New School Year coming soon...
The school’s blue card is vital in keeping in contact with parents.
Please be sure to update it each year, or as any contact information changes over time.
- EMERGENCY BLUE CARD (You can fill out the PDF, print it and send it to the school with your child)
- Permission Slips for Trips
- Signed consent to photograph and videotape students for educational purposes
- Request to Change Afterschool Drop-Off Address for Students Receiving Specialized Transportation
- 504 Accommodations Reauthorization letter for 2021-2022
- Allergies/Anaphylaxis Medication Administration Form
- Asthma Medication Administration Form
- Diabetes Medication Administration Form
- General Medication Administration Form
- Guidelines for Health Servies and Section 504 Accomodations for Students in New York Public Schools
- HIPAA March 2018-Lifetime
- Request for Medically Prescribed Treatment (Non-medication) SY2021-22
- Seizure Medication Administration Form 2021-2022
- Child and Adolescent Health Examination Form
- Chancellor’s Regulation A-101 Housing Questionaire
- Media Consent Form with Translations
- Disposición A-101 del Canciller — Anexo N.o 6 CUESTIONARIO DE VIVIENDA